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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Red alert! Take your decor game to the next level

The new decor trend dubbed the ‘unexpected red theory’ might just be the jolt of color your home needs. Believed to have been started by Brooklyn-based interior designer Taylor Migliazzo Simon on TikTok, the trend “aims to inject a dynamic element into a space by introducing a single, striking red object,” says interior designer Manjari Sharma.
Why red? When it comes to choosing a striking color, red reigns supreme. “In the realm of interior design, red holds a special significance. It symbolizes passion, energy, and vitality and adds dynamism to any space,” says architect Nilanjan Bhowal.
Which red, though? While red is a bold color, choosing the right shade is essential. In most cases, shades such as scarlet, ruby, cherry, and crimson often stand out. When it comes to having the perfect lighting for your “unexpected red” object, the best bet is to place the item against a background that has natural light. Moreover, choose white or cool lighting to prevent the darkening of the red object as warm lighting can often dull the color instead of illuminating it.
Red and repurposed: Own a red lamp, rug, or a coffee table that’s waiting for a much-needed paint job? Bring together all the red items and find a place where they can stand out.
The classic accent wall: While beige and white walls exude elegance and minimalism, they can often appear monotonous. Adding red to an accent wall, corner, strip, or arch can be the best way to rock the color and add some edge to your home.
A tinge of red: Add some spark to your room by changing one side of a room, bathroom, or kitchen to bright red.
Lacquer finishing for the win: If you are looking to actively invest in the trend, lacquer your red furniture for a vibrant and glossy look.
